Timely Demise housekeeping

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Regular readers will notice some fine-tuning and cleanup of Timely Demise.

The sidebars (look to the right) have been updated to clean up a few unused items. I've added a blogroll, which I'll be updating as I find more sources and complementary reads; I regularly check and personally recommend the ones listed.

The categories have been fine-tuned, mostly to clean up a few redundancies. The list should be more useful to those looking for specific information. Archive pages and indexes are more consistent as well, providing a more sensible user experience for the permalink crowd.

As an aside, the Timely Demise Twitter stream has started to take shape. TD on Twitter links to interesting articles that complement the site's theme and cross-posts items as they appear here. I debated adding a recent-tweets feed to the site, but it would be somewhat redundant, so I've just linked to it for now.

News hits almost daily about retailers and products. As we collectively battle the changing forces in the economy, Timely Demise will be chronicling those changes. I hope you continue to find this site interesting and informative.

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Timely Demise tracks the retail industry as it changes with our unprecedented economic environment. Published by David Wertheimer. Did I miss something? Drop me a line.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by David Wertheimer published on February 22, 2009 10:55 PM.

Old and local stores, February edition was the previous entry in this blog.

Ritz Camera bankruptcy is the next entry in this blog.

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